Hosted by the largest automotive association in Indonesia, Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor (GAIKINDO).

Present a business to business exhibition for commercial vehicles, urban transportation, carroserrie, and supporting industries in commercial vehicles.

Creating new business opportunities for commercial vehicle

Specified event for commercial vehicle industry

The right platform for producers and vehicle distributor to meet the right buyers to build an effective strategy to grow Indonesia’s commercial vehicle market.


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YoY GDP growth in 2016 shows positive sign for Southeast Asia’s largest economy

Source : Statistics Indonesia (BPS) – 2016


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world’s no.4 most populated country after China, India, and US

Source : Economic Outlook- 2016

Gross Domestic Products

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Indonesia’s 2016 GDP, makes it the 16th largest economy in the world.

Source : The World Bank – 2016; IMF World Economic Outlook – 2016

Economic Growth Target for 2018

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A significant economic growth target has been announced by the President.