[acoda_typewriter type=”typing” tag=”h2″ font_size=”supersize” duration=”3000″ delay=”50″ animated_text=”Hello.
I’m Typewriter.
I Animate Text.
Cool, Right?
#youtheme :)”]
I’m Typewriter.
I Animate Text.
Cool, Right?
#youtheme :)”]
I can be placed anywhere
[acoda_typewriter align=”left” tag=”h2″ font_size=”xlarge” duration=”2500″ delay=”200″ animated_text=”Adjust the Size & Speed
Color & Alignment
And Typing Types
Typing ( see above )
And Rotate 3d
That’s me (:”][rowshape color=”#ffffff”][rowshape type=”rowshape_7″ color=”#ffffff”]
[rowshape type=”rowshape_7″ color=”#f9f9f9″][rowshape type=”rowshape_2″ color=”#f9f9f9″][acoda_typewriter tag=”h2″ font_weight=”bold” font_size=”supersize” duration=”3000″ pause=”2000″ animated_text=”Be Unique.
Be You.”]
Be You.”]