Fast Gear Booth Stand : Hall A –  A9f FAST AUTO DRIVE (THAILAND) CO., LTD 300 / 143 Moo 1 Tasit Pluakdaeng Rayong 21140 Company Profile Founded in 1968, Shaanxi Fast Automotive Transmission Group Co., Ltd., with more than 10 controlled and owned subsidiaries, is the world’s largest commercial vehicle powertrain production base. and is…


UPPF Indonesia Booth Stand : Hall A –  A10a PT Pro Film Indonesia Jl. Panjang Arteri Kelapa Dua No. 11D – 11E Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat Company Profile Kami merupakan distributor tunggal dan pemegang lisensi merk UPPF di Indonesia. Kami menyadari seiring dengan pertumbuhan permintaan PPF di Indonesia, maka konsumen membutuhkan pilihan produk PPF yang…


MTU Booth Stand : Hall B – B8 PT Metalindo Teknik Utama Jl. Akses Toll Karawang Timur, Dsn. Sukamulya, RT. 025, RW. 006, Ds. Anggadita, Kec. Klari, Kab. Karawang – Jawa Barat 41371 Company Profile Metalindo Teknik Utama, Perusahaan Manufaktur yang memproduksi rumah kendaraan yang dibangun di atas rangka/sasis mobil atau sasis khusus untuk bus…


AMP Booth Stand : Hall B – B8b PT Alun P. Komarudin Km. 23, Cakung, Jakarta 13910, Indonesia Company Profile AMP is a product and service that converts commercial vehicles running on diesel/petrol into electric vehicles. AMP operates under the auspices of PT ALUN, which provides products and services for various commercial vehicle needs. Originating…


FOTON Booth Stand : Hall B – B7 Company Profile Founded on August 28th, 1996, Foton Motor is headquartered in Beijing, China. With a business scope covering a full series of commercial vehicles including medium and heavy-duty trucks, light-duty truck, mini truck, vans, pickup, bus, and construction machinery vehicles, Foton Motor has become a leading…


BLACKVUE Booth Stand : Booth Hall A – A9h Blackvue Indonesia Jl. Sunter Paradise 1 F24/20 Jakarta Utara, 14350 Company Profile BlackVue adalah produsen kamera dasbor terkemuka di dunia dengan jumlah penjualan kamera mobil tertinggi di dunia dibandingkan dengan merek lainnya. BlackVue terkenal sebagai perusahaan pertama yang memperkenalkan Aplikasi WiFi dan Smartphone agar mudah dilihat…

GIICOMVEC United Tractor


UNITED TRACTORS Booth Stand : Hall B – B6 Company Profile United Tractors merupakan anak usaha dari PT Astra International Tbk (“Astra”), salah satu grup usaha terbesar dan terkemuka di Indonesia dengan jaringan layanan menjangkau berbagai industri dan sektor. Sejak 19 September 1989, United Tractors telah menjadi perusahaan publik dengan mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek…


SAKURA FILTER Booth Stand : – PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk. (SMSM) Komplek Industri ADR Desa Kadujaya, Curug Tangerang, Banten INDONESIA Company Profile SAKURA FILTERS ARE SIMPLY BUILT BETTER Sakura Filter has 50 years experience in the filtration business. We operate under PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk. (SMSM), the flagship of the Automotive Division Group and currently…


ADIPUTRO Booth Stand : Hall B – B5 PT. ADIPUTRO WIRASEJATI Jln. Raya Balearjosari No. 35 Malang, 65126, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Company Profile What started off as a small workshop with two minibus productions turns up to a whole new story. We have various kinds of products offered. We are best in innovation, quality control,…